Wednesday, December 30, 2009

False Pretenses.

Justin: What the hell is this?
Mom: A peanut butter and Jelly sandwich.
Justin: Is that strawberry jelly?
Mom: Yes.
Justin: Mom, that's just terrible, you sold me on this sandwich under false pretenses. Ask anyone on the street for a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich and the will give you grape Jelly, not this red devil fruit.
Mom: We don't have any grape jelly.
Justin: WHOA!!! Wait just one minute! Are those chunks of strawberry in my sandwich, this isn't even Jelly! IT'S GOD DAMN PRESERVES! Jesus lady what kind of sandwich are you trying to push on me?
Mom: here we go.
Justin: Well you should have offered me the sandwich you planed to make, you should have said 'Justin would you like a peanut butter and strawberry preserve sandwich' which I would have declined on principle because it's simply Un-American in nature.
Mom: Just eat the sandwich.
Justin: Communist.

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