Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Mom: Why is there a fort made of pillows and blankets in the living room?
Justin: Hi mom.
Mom: And why does it smell like grilled cheese?
Justin: Did you just ask me why it smelt like grilled Jesus? Because that doesn't make any sense. Oh wait, you must have said cheeses...because I smelt that earlier and also because that would have been something I would have smelled before because clearly I'm not old enough to know Jesus...why are you looking at me like that?
Mom: Are you alright
Justin: Alright mom the jig is up, I'm all kinds of high right now.
Mom: ...I'm going to wash my face.
...5 Minutes later...
Mom: Justin...why is there a half of a grilled cheese in my bathroom sink?
Justin: Oh man! I knew I didn't eat all of that! YES!! Hey I rented a funny movie do you want to watch it with me?
Mom: What is it?
Justin: Apocalypse Now.

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